
Guntermann & Drunck would like to invite you to its ATC seminar about KVM which is taking place on Wednesday 7 March 2012 at the ATC Global Seminars. The seminar is taking place at 3pm at the theatre opposite Guntermann & Drunck’s both, R404.

The seminar is called ‘Optimising the working conditions in ATC environments and enabling health management for the applied systems’ and it will be with Jochen Bauer, marketing product manager at Guntermann & Drunck and Roland Ollek, head of sales and marketing at Guntermann & Drunck. The topics covered will include:

  • Using existing space in towers and control rooms more efficiently
  • Reducing heat, noise and climatisation needs in control rooms
  • Increasing the availability of surveillance systems
  • Enable health management for applied systems