Airservices Australia has selected Frequentis to participate in a competitive down-selection process to create Australia’s first flight information management system (FIMS). The system will support the safe integration of emerging airspace users into the country’s low-altitude airspace. Frequentis is one of four companies selected to create a system tailored to Australia’s aviation industry, with in-field trials expected later in 2022.
Frequentis Australasia has assembled a team that draws upon the best capabilities of both the Australian and global uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) industry. Australian businesses are at the forefront of the work, ensuring that the most appropriate local expertise is available, as well as helping to stimulate the local UAS industry.
“The expected growth of new airspace users and new aircraft types, all with different automation, digitisation, and intelligence systems, presents an exciting opportunity for Airservices to work collaboratively with industry to develop the FIMS and provide safe, efficient, and equitable access to airspace,” said Airservices Chief Customer Experience and Strategy Officer Peter Curran. “This will be a central component of the UAS traffic management (UTM) ecosystem, providing common situational awareness among everyone operating in Australian airspace.”
Australia is one of the fastest growing drone markets, adopting new technologies to deliver products, services, and aid to people and places faster. As the countries low-altitude airspace becomes more complex, development of Australia’s first FIMS will ensure Airservices continues to provide the safe and orderly flow of air traffic across its skies.
“We are delighted to continue our long-standing relationship with Airservices, working on this platform to form the basis of an enhanced air traffic system that will ensure the safety of current and emerging airspace users, at the same time as allowing Australia to fully benefit from the developing drone market. Our comprehensive UTM solution has already undergone extensive validation and testing with several research and commercial projects, such as the NASA UTM trials in the US, or SESAR U-space projects in Europe. It includes airspace management, automatic and manual flight approval, operator and drone registry, capacity monitoring, and management,” says Frequentis Australasia Managing Director Martin Rampl. “Digitalisation, automation, and flexible use of the airspace are key if we are to create a safe and interconnected sky, fit for air taxis and drones, as well as traditional aircraft. We are committed to working with our customers on this goal.”
Locally, Frequentis Australasia will work with FlyFreely, a highly respected Brisbane-based UAS service supplier (USS), as well as a team of researchers from the industrial AI research centre at the University of South Australia (Uni SA), who will expand the FIMS platform modelling and functionality with AI capabilities. Finally, we will complement the capabilities of our local partners by drawing on the strengths of proven international partners, Aviamaps from Finland and Droneradar from Poland, that bring a wealth of highly relevant experience and expertise to our team.
Frequentis Australasia was established in 2004 to meet the expanding needs of the Australian Air Traffic Management and the Defence and Public Transport markets, as well as those of New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and the South Pacific Islands. It supports its regional customers from its offices in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth, and employs more than 120 highly skilled domain experts and engineers in Australia. Frequentis Australasia is also part of the OneSKY program for Airservices Australia and the Department of Defence, as a sub-contractor to Thales, supplying its end-to-end internet protocol (IP) voice communications system (VCS) and airfield management systems (AFM).