
The Airport Traffic Monitoring and Alert System (ATMAS) is a sophisticated system designed to enhance the safety and efficiency of airport operations by monitoring and managing the movement of aircraft and vehicles on the ground and in the airspace surrounding the airport.

Here are some key features and functions of the system:

Real-Time Surveillance:

  • The system continuously monitors the movements of aircraft and vehicles both on the ground and in the airspace around the airport, ensuring that controllers have real-time visibility of all activities using all available surveillance methods: ADS-B, MLAT, SMR and SSR radars, GPS, and other navigational aids. The system provides precise location data for all tracked entities, reducing the risk of miscommunication or misinterpretation of positions.

Conflict Detection:

  • Collision Avoidance: The system detects potential conflicts or collisions between aircraft and vehicles, providing timely alerts to air traffic controllers and ground personnel to take corrective actions.
  • Runway Incursions: By monitoring the occupancy and usage of runways, taxiways, and aprons, the system helps prevent runway incursions, which are a significant safety hazard.

Automated Alerts and Notifications:

  • The system immediately alerts controllers to potential conflicts or unauthorised movements, enabling quick responses to emerging safety issues. Alerts are prioritised based on safety-critical events, ensuring they receive immediate attention from relevant personnel.

Enhanced Coordination and Communication:

  • The system facilitates seamless communication between air traffic control, ground personnel, and other stakeholders, ensuring everyone has the latest information on approved ground traffic.

Historical Data and Trend Analysis:

  • Incident Analysis: By recording and analysing past incidents and near-misses, the system helps identify patterns and root causes of safety issues.
  • Continuous Improvement: Airports can use this data to implement changes in procedures and training, continuously improving safety over time.

User-Friendly Interface:

  • Intuitive Display: The system’s interface is designed to be intuitive, helping controllers quickly understand the current situation and make informed decisions.
  • Visual and Audible Alerts: Clear visual and audible alerts draw immediate attention to critical issues, ensuring prompt action.

Simulation and Training:

  • The system can be used in simulation mode for training of air traffic controllers and ground personnel, providing realistic scenarios to practice handling complex situations.

By providing comprehensive monitoring, timely alerts, seamless integration of data, and enhanced communication, the Airport Traffic Monitoring and Alert System plays a crucial role in increasing the overall safety of airport operations.