
UFIS Airports Solutions (UFIS AS) launched the newest addition to the Universal Flight Information System (UFIS) product portfolio at the Passenger Terminal Expo in Vienna, Austria earlier this month.

Airtilus is a cloud or intranet-based multi-airport resource management and information system. It provides all the functionality of an AODB, resource management system, flight information management system and FIDS for single or multiple airport environments. Furthermore, it incorporates a performance dashboard so that management can monitor the performance of the airport.

"Airtilus is designed with two sectors in mind," says Holger Mattig, president and CEO of UFIS Airport Solutions. "Firstly, as software as a service for smaller airports that have very small IT budgets and limited IT support personnel, and secondly the larger airport management operation where multiple airports need to be linked in a single operational platform."

Flexibility is a key feature of the system. A large operation may not want to have their data ‘in the cloud’ but still want a cost effective means of providing the necessary IT at a number of smaller airports. These customers can install Airtilus on their own server environment and provide access to this via the Internet/Intranet to their different locations and airport operations.