The Stripe Hog SH8000 was shown off at Salt Lake City International Airport, at the Airfield Marking Symposium this month in Salt Lake City, UT.
The Symposium, held four times a year, is organised by Sightline, which is a consulting company delivering professional services that improve the effectiveness of airfield pavement markings.
The Stripe Hog® is used to demonstrate effective marking removal and marking cleaning on runways and is featured at each symposium.
According to Mike Spiedel, vice-president of Sightline, "The Airfield Marking Symposium teaches the best practices to achieve a highly effective pavement marking system. Proper surface preparation and paint removal are two of several key components of an effective system. In our experience, we have found waterblasting to be a versatile method to accomplish these tasks, and the Stripe Hog consistently demonstrates its versatility and capability at each Symposium."