DAMM Australia can offer users in the country an additional band of spectrum with its newly obtained approved VHF TETRA frequencies.
As TETRA has more features than other technologies in this frequency, this is hugely beneficial to customers.
Advantages of VHF frequencies include:
- Improved RF propagation in rural, wooded or undulating hilly areas
- More economic coverage when deployed underground using distributed antenna systems
- Expanded telemetry coverage
“VHF frequencies are extremely well suited for Australia with its vast rural areas as well as its many mining operations. We are delighted that we can now offer VHF in TETRA mode to our customers,” says Geoff Wood, technical director at DAMM Australia.
To support the VHF frequencies DAMM offers the VHF FT5 TETRA radio developed by DAMM and Funktel. The radio can be operated using the DAMM MultiTech Outdoor System (BS422) in VHF.
For customers running operations in a mix of built-up and rural areas, it is also possible to run both VHF and UHF in the same network using separate BS422 base stations operating the DAMM TetraFlex software. This makes it both easy and affordable to extend an existing UHF network to include VHF in areas where this frequency band is more advantageous.