The ANSP of Georgia, SAKAERONAVIGATSIA Ltd, has completed the successful installation of German expert COMSOFT’s core AIM Database, CADAS-AIMDB, which uses latest AIXM 5.1 technology and facilitates completion of the vital second phase of the ICAO AIS to AIM Roadmap.
Since becoming a EUROCONTROL member state in 2014, SAKAERONAVIGATSIA Ltd has taken numerous steps to upgrade air traffic systems. Along with CADAS-AIMDB, the project included the German expert’s integrated and highly automated eAIP production tool, CADAS-EPS, for the automatic creation and electronic publishing of their AIP, Amendments, Supplements, and Circulars, and the OLDI / FMTP gateway COFFEE, an AIDA-NG extension which enables SAKAERONAVIGATSIA Ltd to interconnect efficiently with adjacent ATC centres.
SAKAERONAVIGATSIA were already familiar with COMSOFT’s products, having completed installation of their market-leading AMHS solution, AIDA-NG, NOTAM and Briefing system CADAS-IMS in 2013, and FPL 2012 flight plan converter the previous year. Earlier this year the Georgian ANSP had also highlighted its further confidence in COMSOFT by adding a long term maintenance contract to their AMHS and AIM systems.
SAKAERONAVIGATSIA General Director, Mr. Gocha Mezvrishvili, stated: "SAKAERONAVIGATSIA’s goals for safety management and the modernisation of our air operations are continuously supported by COMSOFT’s state-of-the-art products, solutions and innovative approach. We are pleased to be a step closer in our transition from AIS to AIM and thank COMSOFT once again for their support. The collaboration of teams on both sides has led to this success."
CADAS-AIMDB, a truly native AIXM 5.1 aeronautical database that has been leading the market since 2009, comes with a fully automated data exchange interface to connect the European AIS database (EAD) and the solution therefore allows fully migrated members of the EAD to keep all national data in their national database.
Georgia currently performs more than 400 air-transits per day with international forecasts predicting this number to increase by at least six percent in the coming years, making modernisation and automation key to their continued safe and efficient services.