
In August 2019, Barrett Communications was advised that the Barrett 4075 500 Watt and 1000 Watt High power HF transmitter series was granted certification by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the US.

This product certification was for FCC compliance for both the 500W and 1,000W high power HF transmitters. FCC approval is particularly defined within the United States but is also seen by many countries in South America and international organisations within the civil aviation, such as ICAO, as part of their homologation process.

Mr Andrew Burt, CEO of Barrett Communications commented: “The American and Canadian markets continue to grow for Barrett Communications, specifically the aviation industry and as a result, we will continue to seek relevant approvals for the products we design and manufacture.”

Barrett Communications will be exhibiting at the ICAO Innovation Fair in Montreal Canada in September 2019. Barrett will have the 4050 HF SDR and 4075 High power systems available at their stand 33 on the fourth floor.