m-AHLreport is our new mobile application for passengers to declare their missing bags on their smartphone.
e-AHLreport is already used by several of our customers (Air France KLM, Swissport, SBA) for some years. During mid-2014, we developed m-AHLreport, the mobile version of e-AHLreport in collaboration with Air France.
The process flow of m-AHLreport is based on the one of e-AHLreport. Passengers are navigating through five screens: welcome, flight, baggage information, personal details and summary screens.
Once the passenger has reviewed and validated the summary screen, the AHL file is directly created in WorldTracer with web-service connectivity. The passenger receives an e-mail with the PIR attached.
The screens have been adapted to fit on the smaller screens of smartphone and use mobile features such as integrated keyboard and native dropdown picker.
m-AHLreport is used in production within Air France mobile website since October 2014.
For more information, please contact Sky Assist.