
Egis Avia associated with Atos Origin has been selected by the French Air Navigation Services Department (DSNA) to carry out the engineering studies of en-route, approach and airport air traffic management systems.

These engineering activities are conducted in an ever-changing context due to the Single European Sky advent and to the Eurocontrol Safety Regulatory Requirements (ESARR). The first steps focus on the integration of the new flight data processing (Colflight), the improvement of controllers’ tools and the reorganization of air traffic control in the Paris region.

Egis Avia, as a reference player in ATM and Atos Origin, as an international player in IT solutions altogether offer services encompassing all engineering aspects: ATM experts, project managers, architects, safety specialists, human factors experts, method and procedure specialists. Their process is adapted to customers’ needs and complies with state-of-the-art engineering techniques.

This six year contract is a logical sequel to a first contract won by the two partners in 2001. It thus strengthens the expertise of both Egis Avia in air traffic management system engineering and Atos Origin in architecture and distributed systems.