
As the new specific terminal designed to accommodate delegates of the 16th Conference on Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG16) has been successfully completed, Egis is now conducting a new project at Oran Es-Senia Airport in Algeria.

The contract awarded by Etablissement de Gestion des Services Aéroportuaires (EGSA-Oran) includes:

  • Project management for the design of a new international airport terminal
  • Refurbishment of the equipment in the airport’s existing passenger and cargo terminal areas

The project has been assigned to a team of experts within Egis Avia, who are in charge of:

  • Conducting a feasibility study and a strategic plan to prepare the ground for sustainable and harmonious development of the airport
  • Providing architectural design and execution plan of the designated buildings as well as construction works supervision
  • Ensuring training sessions of EGSA operational staff to properly run the new equipments and facilities

Oran Airport existing terminal infrastructure had been designed to handle a maximum of 800,000 passengers per year. Over the recent years, they had been showing evidence of shortage of space and capacity. The project will thus redimension and refurbish the current facilities in order to properly accommodate traffic increases over the next 15 years.

The creation of a brand new terminal along with the modernisation of existing facilities will raise the standards and quality of Oran Es-Senia Airport to international levels, in compliance with prevailing regulation in terms of safety, security and environment.

The airport’s capacity will hence be significantly extended to service up to two million passengers by 2025.