
A two-day regional safety air traffic management (ATM) safety Improvement interactive workshop, under the auspices of Air Traffic Navigation Services (ATNS) was held on 7 October in Benoni, near ORT International Airport.

Under the theme ‘Integrating Safety Management Concepts for Regional Collaborative Benefits’, this event was part of the National Department of Transport-led ATNS October Transport Month activities.

Panelists discussed ‘The Safety Benefits of ATM Automation and Regional Interoperability’, which looked into the need for regional cooperation and the adoption of the African Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) resolutions in terms of the interoperability of ATM Systems and provision of seamless air traffic services (ATM).

‘Regional Cooperation on Infrastructural Challenges’ focused on understanding the challenges faced by various regional air navigation services providers (ANSPs), and identifying opportunities where collaborative decision making may be required in the interest of safety, particularly with regard to communication and coordination.

Of interest to delegates was ‘Safety Culture and its Impact on Safety Performance’. This topic dealt with safety culture as understood by aviators and how it propels the safety performance of any organisation to a healthy tolerance. It also looked at different and various desirable behaviours that can be adopted to influence a positive safety culture.

One of the critical topics discussed included ‘Human Performance and its Implications on Safety’. This relates to the conduct and etiquette of safety ambassadors such as air traffic control officers and pilots, which forms an integral part of human performance that plays a significant role in safety improvement. Panelists discussed ‘how aviators can proactively influence acceptable human performance’ in order to avoid undesired safety occurrences such as airspace infringements.

This year, October Transport Month is hosted under the theme: ‘Together we move South Africa Forward.’