
Many aviation-related delays, such as those caused by adverse weather, are uncontrollable, but some can now be better managed by using ARINC AirTQM™, Rockwell Collins’ new real-time aircraft turnaround tool.

"On-time performance is extremely important to airlines and their passengers," said Tony Chapman, senior director, Product Management and Strategic Programs for Rockwell Collins. "ARINC AirTQM tracks real-time data about factors that impact on-time performance so that an airline can better manage delays that are within its control."

ARINC AirTQM uses wireless handheld PDAs to capture a time stamp for each task involved in turning an aircraft around including aircraft pushback, towing, fueling, cleaning and catering. It can also be used to monitor cargo, baggage, aircraft loading, flight deck and cabin crew, as well as passenger buses, boarding and deplaning operations.

ARINC AirTQM uses tailored profiles based on carrier, flight number and aircraft type and compares these configuration details and gate usage data. It then provides operations controllers and ramp supervisors with colour-coded and severity-graded alerts regarding events that might impact an on-time departure.

"Providing early alerts of potential problems enables airlines and their partners to take action more quickly, thereby increasing the likelihood of on-time departures," notes Chapman. "Fewer delays means reduced costs and happier passengers."

AirTQM is currently being used by one of the world’s largest international airports.