
Vanderlande will supply an advanced baggage handling system (BHS) to the new terminal at Taiwan Tauyan International Airport (TTIA).

In response to the rapid growth in passenger volume, Tauyan International Airport Corporation (TIAC) is constructing Terminal 3 (T3) at TTIA. This will boost capacity and enhance the overall quality of service.

For this project, Vanderlande has formed a consortium with its local partner Kenmec. Upon completion, the BHS will provide a maximum capacity of 19,200 bags per hour.

Currently, TTIA’s two existing terminals, T1 and T2, are operated individually without a connection between the two systems.

Once T3 has been constructed, all terminals will be seamlessly connected with Vanderlande’s automated individual carrier system (ICS), TUBTRAX. This will result in a significant improvement to TTIA’s operational efficiency and tracking accuracy, as well as enhancing the experience for passengers.

As TTIA strives to cement its position as a leading hub airport in the Asia Pacific region, it is expecting to handle 60 million passengers by 2030. As such, the T3 project is at the heart of the ‘Taoyuan Aerotropolis Plan’, which has been designed to boost Taiwan’s overall economic development.

Vanderlande’s solution in T3 will comprise 206 check-in counters distributed over six islands.

Baggage will be transferred from the check-in area by the transport conveyors connected to four tilt tray sorters located at the main baggage hall. Bags will then pass through security screening before transfer to either the designated makeup carousels, early bag store (EBS) area, or other terminals via TUBTRAX.

Vanderlande executive vice-president airports and board member Andrew Manship said: “We were delighted to be awarded the TTIA T3 project. This project will be an important step in developing Vanderlande’s ICS capabilities in the Asia Pacific region, and we look forward to delivering this project successfully.”