
Lödige Industries will deliver a modernised and improved cargo handling facility for Swissport’s new cargo terminal in Frankfurt Cargo City Süd.

Constructions works for the 2,900m² facility has already commenced and Lödige Industries has begun the production of the system at its manufacturing facilities in Germany and Romania.

The new facility is due for hand-over in the autumn of 2020. It will feature a space-saving and efficient automated storage and retrieval system for 115 main deck unit load devices (ULDs) over two levels, with an upgrade option to implement three levels. The system is operated by two of Lödige’s 15ft elevating transfer vehicles. These have been installed in almost 50 terminals worldwide.

Lödige Industries director of airport logistics solutions Björn Ussat said: “ We’re very pleased to support Swissport’s impressive growth goals with an air freight handling system that we know will deliver on their speed, reliability and efficiency targets for years to come and which will ultimately facilitate cargo flows through Frankfurt airport.”

Swissport Germany, Austria and Switzerland vice-president Willy Ruf said: “Our selection of Lödige Industries is testament to our commitment to optimum service delivery and our ambitious efficiency and reliability goals for our clients around the world.”