
For the first time in China, Lifts All will exhibit their Container Loading System (CLS), Container Unloading System (CUS) and the vacuum lift Basic. From 12-14 September you will find the most cost-reducing and ergonomic baggage lifting tools on the market in stand 318.

"The Asian airport market is a fast growing and important market and we believe our products can help create a sustainable and healthy growth" says Fenglin Wang Weidsten, sales manager at Lifts All.

Lifts All will present the most frequently used lift, the CLS. One piece of baggage takes merely six seconds to load into the container.

"The CLS has been on the market since a few years and with happy users at Schiphol and Heathrow, just to mention two major airports, we are convinced this is the future way to load baggage containers," says Svante Wibom, CEO at Lifts All.

They will also present the CUS, the baggage lift for unloading containers and the all-round vacuum lift Basic.

The Swedish company Lifts All has been developing and manufacturing ergonomic lifting solutions for more than 20 years. They also provide installation and service maintenance.