
Aero-Green 4015 concentrated aircraft exterior cleaner is a water-based, 100% readily biodegradable, eco-friendly aircraft and helicopter cleaner that removal soil from painted and unpainted surfaces better than traditional hazardous solvents.

Diluted with water, this user-friendly, non-flammable, non-toxic cleaner, can be applied by brush, foam generator, mop, spray or sponge, to safely and quickly remove carbonaceous deposits including exhaust residue, oily soot and other oxidized organic fluids associated with jet engine and helicopter operations.

Certified to McDonnell Douglas CSD #1, Aero-Green 4015 is a superior cleaner that rinses free without leaving behind a residue or film. It contains no caustics or terpene, so unlike toxic VOC solvents, it will not cause damage to the tarmac or ground contamination from the spent cleaner.

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