CANARD DRONES provides remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) solutions for the inspection of navigational aids (NAVAIDS) and airport equipment.
Drones for airport equipment inspection
Drones are used to calibrate NAVAIDS to ensure pilots land safely, as well as runway equipment such as lights and ground surfaces. The company provides drones for ground and flight inspections, which offer cost and time savings compared to traditional flight inspection units.
The automated airport maintenance tool is designed to ensure safety for airports, aviation authorities and air navigation agencies. They offer an alternative to traditional solutions that can have a high direct cost and be complicated to plan.
Smart solutions, services and products offered by CANARD include precision approach path indicator (PAPI) inspection and calibration, approach lighting system inspection, instrument landing system maintenance support, as well as very high frequency (VHF) omnidirectional range (VOR) maintenance support.
Digitalised navigational aid inspection reports
CANARD’s smart solutions are based on procedures that reduce runway occupation. They operate within controlled airspace in scheduled runway closings with a quick response, unlike other methods that can be expensive and limited such as flight inspection aircraft.
The solution comprises a drone, payloads such as cameras and proprietary receivers to capture data, accurate position system, and a software platform with calibration tools developed by the company. Digitalised inspection data allows integration of information systems and data analytics.
CANARD offers operations and maintenance support and training, including manuals required to implement procedures according to regulations.
Complete drone inspection services for airports
CANARD offers a simple, adaptable and fast solution for NAVAIDS and airport inspections by offering two options. Solutions and consultancy can be adapted to meet customer requests.
All equipment and resources required to operate the solution such as the drone, payload and software can be provided by the company, in addition to training and support. This allows the end user or any other third-party to operate the system for airport inspections.
Alternatively, CANARD can perform inspections and calibrations with its fleet of drones and certified pilots, including critical operations on request (COoR) cases. The company carries out the complete operation, providing the final results and reports to the customer.
Certified RPA calibration for aircraft landing equipment
The company has obtained official certification for its solutions and procedures from the French Directorate General for Civil Aviation (DGAC). CANARD has performed PAPI verifications and commissioning worldwide, including France, Poland, Spain, Finland, Panama and Canada.
As an RPA operator, CANARD fulfils requirements and certifications set out by national civil aviation authorities for all services. Operations are coordinated with airports and local air navigation service providers.
CANARD DRONES is a start-up that was established in 2015. The company’s team has comprehensive experience within the aerospace industry, which allows it to develop solutions for specific airport requirements.
The company has received several awards and recognition, as well as participated in a number of research and development programmes in Europe that have provided resources that allow the company to continue innovating.