VINCI Airports’ subsidiary AERODOM has expanded its photovoltaic park in the airport of Las Americas in the Dominican Republic.

The expansion ramps up the peak production capacity of the solar power plant to 3.6 MWp with the addition of 6,364 new panels.

It also makes AERODOM with the largest solar energy production capacity in the country. Since 2016, it has 6.8 MW installed in the six airports operated by VINCI Airports.

Previously, the Las Americas’ photovoltaic park had 4,546 panels and a peak production capacity of 1.5 MWp, constituting to 7.61% of the total energy demand in the airport.

With the current expansion, the airport will be able to accommodate 20% of its energy requirements.  Additionally, it is expected to bring about a total saving of 10,500 tonnes of CO₂ per year. This is said to be equivalent of around 875,000 gallons of fuel.

The new initiative is said to further accelerate the VINCI Airports’ efforts for environmental transition in the airports in the Dominican region.

It follows the firm’s global goal to develop sustainable airport infrastructure, especially through initiatives for minimising its carbon footprint, protecting natural environments and resources and recovering waste.

Furthermore, VINCI Airports backs all its airports throughout the obtention cycle of the ISO 14001 certification or the integration of the Airport International Council’s (ACI) carbon accreditation programme (ACA).

Earlier this year, AERODOM secured ACA certification for the six airports it operates in the Dominican Republic. The company is said to be the first operator in Latin America and the Caribbean to have the certification.