Singapore will require the use of some sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on all flights departing the country from 2026 as part of a new sustainability blueprint published by the government ahead of the Singapore Airshow. 

Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat revealed the blueprint during the Changi Aviation Summit, as he set out a plan to reduce domestic aviation emissions from airport operations by 20% in 2030, and to reach net zero domestic and international aviation emissions by 2050. 

The minister said the blueprint established a balanced approach that would allow the industry to see growth and environmental sustainability for future generations. 

He said: “The measures were developed after careful study and close consultation with domestic and international stakeholders, and we hope that they will help to catalyse the development of sustainable aviation in the region and around the world.” 

The country’s SAF targets begin with a requirement for 1% SAF in 2026 before rising to 3-5% by 2030. Airlines will aided by a SAF levy for purchases of the fuel, to be adjusted based on the pre-determined levy and the prevailing SAF price. This is aimed at improving confidence in the price of SAF, thereby offering price certainty for passengers.

Other initiatives planned in the blueprint, developed by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), include working with Changi Airport Group to increase solar power deployment and expand the use of clean-energy airside vehicles, including a trial on the use of renewable diesel, and exploring the feasibility of an on-site waste-to-energy facility. 

The blueprint was based on recommendations by the International Advisory Panel on Sustainable Air Hub published in September 2022 and will be submitted to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) as Singapore’s state action plan this month. 

Singapore’s plan comes shortly after the ICAO adopted a global framework for the use of lower emission fuels during its conference in November, avoiding the use of strict obligations on SAF and lower carbon aviation fuels (LCAF) to allow countries to work around their capabilities.