Spanish company Amadeus has received level three new distribution capability (NDC) certification as an information technology (IT) provider from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), a Canada-based trade association of all airlines worldwide.
Level three is the highest level of NDC certification provided by IATA.
Amadeus Airline IT global head Julia Sattel said: "We are proud to be industry leaders on the adoption of NDC-XML.
"Amadeus is committed to working with IATA to further standardise messages, data flows and to support the evolution of this new messaging standard.
"Our goal is to help airlines personalise their offers and to distribute their fares with accuracy, flexibility and speed. If airlines want to choose NDC-XML messaging to deliver their fares and to accomplish these goals, we are fully capable of delivering."
In 2007, Amadeus began investing in XML connectivity, with its first implementation made on British airline company EasyJet.
IATA Financial and Distribution Services senior vice-president Aleks Popovich said: "A partnership and collaborative approach have been essential to the development and market adoption of the NDC standard.
"Technology providers such as Amadeus are showing how the NDC standard can be used to unleash innovation and value to the air travel marketplace. We are pleased to be including this leading IT provider in our first round of NDC certification announcements."
For the last ten years, Amadeus has helped airlines to customise their fare offers as well as produce new revenues through merchandising.
The company aims to allow travellers to compare prices and purchase ancillary services.