The Polish air navigation service provider (ANSP) PANSA and ANSP Oro Navigacija in Lithuania have signed new contracts with Indra for the installation of iTEC air traffic management systems.

The two contracts have enabled both the ANSPs to join the iTEC Alliance for the first time.

The other ANSPs that are already a part of the iTEC Alliance comprise ENAIRE in Spain, Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS) in Germany, UK NATS, Norway's Avinor and Luchtverkeersleiding Nederland (LVNL) in the Netherlands.

Indra director general Rafael Gallego said: “The iTEC systems incorporate the most advanced technologies based on 4D trajectory (three dimensions and time) that permit the introduction of the latest advances in safety for very advanced air conflict management.”

"The iTEC systems incorporate the most advanced technologies based on 4D trajectory (three dimensions and time) that permit the introduction of the latest advances in safety."

The new contracts will ensure the implementation of a common system across the Baltic FAB.

Commenting on the iTEC systems, Oro Navigacija general director Algimantas Rašcius said: “It will also allow to manage airspace in a very flexible and dynamic way, being able to respond to changes in traffic demand, weather conditions or adapting to reserved military airspace.”

According to PANSA president Magdalena Jaworska, the upgrade of the air traffic automation infrastructure will help Oro Navigacija and PANSA meet future European standards and regulations associated with air traffic systems, along with fulfilling the Single European Sky (SES) requirements.

Image: PANSA and Oro Navigacija sign new contracts with Indra. Photo: courtesy of Indra.