Automated baggage handling systems supplier Beumer Group is set to demonstrate its advanced baggage handling technologies at Airport Show Dubai this month.

Beumer will conduct a live and virtual-reality demonstration of its new video coding system (VCS) that is designed to optimise baggage handling system performance at airports.

The VCS integrates cameras on a sortation system with controls from Beumer’s Airport Software Suite in order to eliminate the necessity to divert bags with no-read tags to a manual encoding station (MES).

The technology enables the baggage to remain inside the sortation system, during which it sends an image of the tag to an operator for remote encoding at a workstation or via a tablet.

"Our innovations enable airports to make significant improvements in their baggage handling processes, resulting in improved efficiency in addition to reducing the number of mishandled bags."

Beumer Group managing director Klaus Schäfer said: “Our innovations enable airports to make significant improvements in their baggage handling processes, resulting in improved efficiency in addition to contributing to enhanced passenger satisfaction by reducing the number of mishandled bags.”

The virtual-reality demonstration at Airport Show Dubai will focus on the high-speed, high-efficiency baggage handling capability offered by Beumer’s CrisBag tote-based system.

Delegates at the airport show will be able to participate in a virtual reality tour of the CrisBag tote-based baggage handling system using an Oculus headset.

In March, Beumer Group’s CrisBag tote became the first automated baggage handling system to be certified by the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for in-tote screening of baggage.

Image: Beumer Group’s CrisBag tote-based baggage handling system. Photo: courtesy of BEUMER Group.