Spanish technology and consulting firm Indra has secured a contract from German air navigation service provider DFS to overhaul the country’s network of air surveillance radars with new technology.
Worth more than €100m, the contract would be implemented within 13 years and has an extension provision that is based upon the release of the different options envisioned.
It will see Indra replacing existing systems nearing the end of their life span.
DFS CEO Arndt Schoenemann said: “We look forward to modernising our critical infrastructure of surveillance radar technology while reducing lifecycle costs and CO₂ emissions through reduced power consumption and modernising building sites. Sustainability is key to every decision we take.
“With Indra’s technological capabilities, we will help to meet our requirements for the complex airspace over Germany in the heart of Europe.”
Indra will install at least 23 new sensors, of which 19 will feature primary PSR radar and a secondary mode S radar while four stations will incorporate secondary mode S radars only.
The technology will be utilised for en-route air traffic surveillance and approaches to main airports in Germany.
Once completed, the project is expected to increase the safety and efficiency of air traffic in the country while reducing carbon emission levels.
Indra CEO Ignacio Mataix said: “We’re very proud that a demanding and top-tier customer such as DFS has once again placed its trust in Indra, in our technology and in the ability of our teams to undertake such an ambitious and complex renovation project, one we’re sure will become a landmark in European and global terms.
“We have a proven track record of collaboration with DFS behind us in the iTEC partnership to make the Single European Sky a reality, and this new project will constitute a further step in moving forward together towards safer and more efficient air traffic with a smaller environmental footprint.”