Bristol Airport in the UK is offering £1.8m as part of a noise insulation scheme planned for homes in the surrounding area.

The funding accompanies development plans under consideration by North Somerset Council.

As part of plans to increase capacity from 10 million to 12 million travellers per annum by the middle of the next year, the airport will increase the amount available to households by 50% up to a maximum of £7,500 per property.

The scheme also includes upgraded mechanical ventilation for the first time, allowing local people to keep windows closed to experience the complete benefit of the high-performance acoustic double-glazing.

The existing scheme grants more than £200,000 to 70 local properties, but residents in the ‘outer’ qualifying noise contour need to contribute 50% of the costs.

“Having our windows replaced has made a real difference, making it much quieter, particularly at night.”

Grants will cover 100% of costs up to £7,500 (in the 63dB LAeq 16hr contour) and £3,750 (in the 60dB and 57db contours) under the new proposals.

New measures will see the airport encourage many eligible properties to learn of the possible benefits of the noise insulation scheme.

Bristol Airport sustainability head James Shearman said: “These proposals represent Bristol Airport’s most comprehensive noise insulation grant scheme to date and will see us supporting local residents with increased funding for a wider range of noise insulation improvements.

“This scheme goes beyond Government policy recommendations and will be amongst the most comprehensive and wide-ranging offered by a UK airport, demonstrating our commitment to reducing and mitigating the impacts of development on our neighbours.”

Local resident Jackie Abbott said: “Having our windows replaced has made a real difference, making it much quieter, particularly at night.”

The airport has submitted a number of other proposals relating to noise, retaining many of the current limits on night flying.

Bristol Airport is the ninth busiest airport in the UK and the fifth busiest outside London.