French airport operator Groupe ADP has recorded consolidated revenue of $2.17bn (€1.86bn) during the first nine months of 2021, representing an increase of 11.9% compared to the same period in 2020.
The operator attributed this jump in revenue to the recovery of the revenue of TAV Airports and AIG, which reported an increase of 55.2% and 75.3%, respectively.
Groupe ADP saw passenger traffic rising 14.5% over the first nine months of 2021 compared to the prior year.
The operator handled around 104.9 million passengers from January to September.
However, passenger traffic remained at 39.1% of the level recorded during the same period of 2019.
Paris Aéroport traffic (Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly) witnessed 26.3 million passengers over the first nine months of this year, a 5.5% fall as against the same period last year.
The company stated that higher landing fees and shop sales at its Paris airports, resulting from a pickup in aircraft movements, counterbalanced the fall in traffic, along with reduced passenger fees.
After earlier anticipating 2021 passenger traffic to reach up to 55% of 2019 levels, ADP restated its estimates to forecast passenger traffic between 40% and 50% of the 2019 levels this year.
ADP chairman and CEO Augustin de Romanet said: “After the first half of 2021 still strongly impacted by the persistence of the Covid-19 pandemic, the recovery of traffic intensified over the third quarter of the year, in line with the group’s forecasts, stabilising to a level slightly above 50% compared to 2019.
“Regarding some of the group’s international assets, several actions are ongoing, including in the context of international arbitrations, towards the involved stakeholders in order to restore the economic balance of the projects. Groupe ADP is pursuing its efforts aiming at stabilising its financial situation and maintaining a satisfying cash position. Groupe ADP confirms its traffic assumptions and forecasts for 2021.”