Airport Industry Review is back for another issue packed with technology news and industry analysis. In this issue, we find out about the potential comeback of supersonic aircraft, identify aviation sector start-ups to watch in 2020, and find out whether better eco-taxes or cleaner fuels will contribute more to a greener future for aviation in the short term.
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In this issue
Better fuels or higher taxes: how should aviation clean up its act?
With pressure growing on the aviation sector to clean up its carbon act, some EU countries think they have a solution in the form of a tax. The Global Alliance Powerfuels believes there is an alternative as Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH acting head of renewable energies and mobility Stefan Siegemund tells Andrew Tunnicliffe.
Sonic boom: do airports need to prepare for the supersonic revolution?
Airports Council International wants to fast-track new standards and practices to regulate supersonic aircraft, which are expected to be reintroduced in 2023. Julian Turner discusses the key issues with University of Salford senior lecturer in aerodynamics and aircraft performance at the University of Salford Phil Atcliffe.
One ID: inside IATA’s plan to end paper travel documents
IATA is working on the development of One ID, an integrated identity management solution that could eliminate the use of paper-based travel documents with the aid of biometric technology. But with so many stakeholders involved in its implementation, will it ever come to fruition? Adele Berti reports.
Passenger satisfaction at North American airports
A new study has found that customer satisfaction has stalled across many North American airports, with excessive construction delays the main gripe. As passenger numbers continue to increase, hubs can’t afford to let such disquiet continue, as Ross Davies reports.
Fighting fatigue: can airlines help crew balance their body clock
Flight crew are constantly changing time zones, causing an imbalance in their circadian rhythms and resulting in potentially lasting health problems. Varsha Saraogi investigates the risks involved, current guidelines and what airline companies can do.
What’s causing a lift in home baggage collection?
Home baggage pick-up and delivery services are being increasingly adopted in the aviation industry. But with prices still relatively high and their high environmental impact, could they really be considered a game-changer for the industry? Adele Berti finds out.
Q&A: airport efficiency with thyssenkrupp access solutions
Creating a seamless, technology-driven experience for passengers is what any airport in the world aspires to. But how can this be achieved? thyssenkrupp Access Solutions CEO Mauro Carneiro gives to Adele Berti his insights on the industry’s biggest demands and the role his company is playing to improve efficiency at airports.
Flying high: the aviation start-ups set to take off in 2020
An explosion in air traffic has caused an exponential increase in the number of start-ups sprouting across the globe with the aim of improving passenger experiences and solving the aviation industry’s biggest challenges. Varsha Saraogi takes a closer look at five start-ups looking to take off in 2020.
A staggering new approach to boosting runway capacity
Eurocontrol and SESAR recently authenticated two new concepts based on scenarios tested at Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport aimed at improving runway capacity. Alex Love spoke to Frederic Rooseleer at EUROCONTROL to find out how it all works.
Next issue preview
In the next issue of AIR, we ask whether a movement to facilitate electric aircraft could be a unique selling point for smaller airports, and explore the potential benefits of power purchase agreements that allow airports to buy energy directly from producers.
We also speak to experts in the air traffic control sphere about whether new efforts need to be made to bring more young people into ATC; examine cases where the use of drones could help airport operations rather than hinder them;
In a special regional focus, we highlight airport innovation projects in Australia and, after severe bushfires caused havoc across the continent, ask whether solutions are readily available to assist pilots during low-visibility conditions.
Finally, we find out how technology has evolved to specifically support airport construction projects worldwide.
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