atg airports has announced the introduction of a new online product enquiries form which is available through its website. This facility can be accessed directly from the site’s navigation menus, and will allow customers to place enquiries for new products, after-sales services or a range of spare parts for their existing atg airports products.
Click on ‘enquiries’ on the main menu, and a series of drop-down menus will provide the user with a variety of options, each relating more specifically to the previous one, until a product, service or spare part that can meet the criteria set by the user is provided as a final selection.
The process can be repeated as many times as necessary in order to complete the enquiry, and then by providing a few simple contact details the request will be sent to the atg airports sales team, who will try to deal with the enquiry within the next working day.
A feature of the form that could be of particular use to spare parts enquiries is the ‘view component parts’ feature. This link provides the user with an exploded-view diagram of the selected fitting, highlighting each individual part of the luminaire, hopefully aiding in component recognition.