
The Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) of South Africa has announced the appointment of Thabani Mthiyane as its new acting chief executive officer (ACEO).

Mr Mthiyane assumed his official duties on 1 September 2012. His appointment follows the resignation of the incumbent CEO, Mr Patrick Dlamini, who is now the CEO of the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA).

Mr. Mthiyane has been part of an ATNS Executive Committee’s collective that ensured that the company delivered an impressive financial performance in the past year and thereby achieving a solid, financially sustainable position.

ATNS has been and is still an exponent of solid partnerships. Mr Mthiyane, in his capacity as ATNS executive of Engineering and Technical Services, has been pivotal in ensuring that ATNS maintains and solidifies partnership arrangements between both suppliers and institutions, and the engineering and technology component of the company. It is for this reason that ATNS is moving away from a supplier-client relationship to a partnership relationship.

The process of appointing the new CEO is underway.