Honeywell has secured a new multi-year upgrade contract to provide a new airfield ground lighting control and monitoring system at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Malaysia.

As part of the new project, which has been awarded by airport operator Malaysia Airports (Sepang), Honeywell will deploy its advanced technology to improve the safety, capacity and efficiency of the airport’s airside operations.

In addition, the upgraded airfield ground lighting control and monitoring system will help KLIA accommodate its growing aircraft traffic safely and efficiently.

Besides controlling and monitoring airside systems, the Honeywell solutions will provide real-time location information on lamp failures in order to ensure swift response and repair.

Malaysia Airports managing director Datuk Badlisham Ghazali said: “As we move closer to becoming a developed country, our airports should reflect high standards of safety and efficiency.

“Our collaboration with Honeywell is in line with our commitment to maintain safety, improve efficiency, drive performance, and reduce operational expenses while we comply with the international regulatory standards.”

"As we move closer to becoming a developed country, our airports should reflect high standards of safety and efficiency."

Airfield ground lighting serves as a visual aid for aircraft landing and taxiing.

Lighting systems for approaches, runways, taxiways and aprons allow pilots to easily navigate the complex surface layouts of modern airports, under all conditions, during both takeoffs and landings.

The company's computerised control and monitoring system will facilitate the operation and observation of lighting installations at the KLIA airfield and ensure that safety requirements are met.

The current project is an upgrade to Malaysia Airports’s existing deal with Honeywell, which includes installation of single-lamp control and monitoring solution for Runways 1 and 2 and the building management system at KLIA.

Image: Main terminal building and tower at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Photo: courtesy of Wikipedia Commons.